Saturday, July 25, 2015

Welcome to my Technology Mathematical Educational Blog

This is a blog that I have already created to enhance students knowledge about specific topics in Discrete Mathematics (also know as Calc 4). I will be incorporating technology into my classroom also so many of my posts will be ways to incorporate technology into the mathematical classroom. I will be sharing different lesson plans, activities and my thoughts on certain math topics. Can't wait to hear feedback from my fellow classmates about incorporating technology into the classroom. At the rate technology keeps improving, we as teachers need to find new ways to keep up with the students and make learning more interesting to them. 


  1. Richelle,

    Wow! Your blog is amazing! It is obvious that you have spent a lot of time on the content. I think your students will love this blog and learn a lot from it. Awesome work!

  2. I love the way your blog is set up and that you've already had it before the class assignment! I find math games really fun when I get the time and this seems like the kind of thing I'd love to browse around later on too.
