Thursday, February 20, 2014

Fibonacci Numbers/Recurrences

Fibonacci Numbers: 
The Fibonacci Numbers are named after Leonardo Fibonacci. Fibonacci numbers are closely related to Lucas numbers, but I am going to be talking more about the Fibonacci numbers. 

The Fibonacci Numbers are the numbers of this sequence 
The first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subset number is the sum of the previous two.  

Example: Find the next number of the Fibonacci sequence. 
  • The two is found by adding the two previous numbers before it ( 1+1) 
  • The three is found by adding the two pervious numbers (1+2)
  • And the five is (2+3) 
  • And so on 
What is the next number of the sequence after 144?

Well if we add (89+144) we get 233. 
What is the next number of the sequence after 233?
The answer should be 377.

The first twenty one Fibonacci Fn for n = 0,1,2,....,20 are: 
which is defined by the recurrence relation 

Example: Using the recurrence relation find the next number from the picture below?

Find the next number using the recurrence relation?
Your answer should be 17711

Example: Suppose I have a recurrence, defined by initial conditions 
we have the recurrence 
Using this formula we can generate the next a numbers ( which i am not going to do, but you may do it, by plugging in 3 for n, and 4 for n, and so on.) 
Now we need to find a polynomial from the given equation. So we get the polynomial 
and this can be factored into: 
For the roots of the polynomial we will change both signs of the factored polynomial so root one =3 and root two =-2. Therefor for all n greater than or equal to 0, we get 
We need to make sure the recurrence works so we need to figure out what the constants are. When n=0 we get the equation
and when n=1 we get the equation
Now that we have two equations we can use the elimination method or the substitution method to figure out what c one and c two is. So by doing either methods we will get 
Now we put it all together to get our closed form recurrence: 
Quiz Question:
Suppose I have a recurrence, defined by initial conditions
we have the recurrence 
Find the roots, and constants and final equation?

wikepedia, mathURL, math is fun, discrete mathematics

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